
Docker leanote
Docker leanote

  1. #Docker leanote how to#
  2. #Docker leanote install#
  3. #Docker leanote manual#

docker run -rm -it -link mongodb danobot/populate-leanote Getting Leanote to work with SSL You should be able to run docker-compose up populate in the directory containing the docker-compose.yaml file listed at the top of this post.Īlternatively, you can create the container manually using the following command.

#Docker leanote install#

RUN apt install mongodb-clients subversion -yĬMD mongorestore -h $MONGO_HOST -d $LEANOTE_COLLECTION -dir /leanote_data You can either build the file yourself or use my image on Dockerhub danobot/populate-leanote (as specified in Docker Compose above) FROM resin/rpi-raspbian The following is the Dockerfile for a temporary container we are going to use in order to populate our database to make it usable. I've built all images and pushed them to Docker Hub to make the installation as simple as possible for you.

#Docker leanote manual#

Docker images and existing configurations are plentiful on the internet, however, getting containers to work on an ARM architecture requires manual image generation more often than not. Module.testrunner = # /revel/modules/testrunnerĪll images referenced in this file have been specially generated for use on a Raspberry Pi. # The default language of this application. The docker compose configuration references a nf file as shown below:ĭb.username= # if not exists, please leave it blankĭb.password= # if not exists, please leave it blankĪpp.secret=yoursecretstringofrandomcharacteres3158794025237847muognsdgsiomf #Ĭookie.domain= # for share cookie with sub-domain Plus you should have archived database backups anyway. I haven't had any problems with deleting the mongod.lock file. They recommend you run the Mongo integrity check when you get that error message and do all sorts of stuff to try and resolve the issue without deleting the mongod.lock file. It turns out what I suggested above is, like, extremely bad practise.

docker leanote

Running docker stop mongodb instead should shut down the container cleanly. If your mongo container fails to start up due to unclean shutdowns, make sure to delete the mongod.lock file inside the leanote_data volume. Save the following file as docker-compose.yaml in an empty directory and run docker-compose up. /home/pi/mongo directory exists, to store your data.Have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your Raspberry Pi.This does come with a few obvious prerequisites: As part of my craze to containterize everything I've figured out a way to self-host Leanote on a Raspberry Pi. Leanote requires a MongoDB server to connect to, as well as the Go language and Revel framework.

docker leanote

#Docker leanote how to#

This post shows how to (easily) run Leanote in Docker on a Raspberry Pi (all images provided)! While the notetaking application itself is as feature-rich as you'd hope and an excellent, free alternative, there are honestly no good things to say about its installation experience. Leanote is an open-source Evernote alternative with markdown support, making it incredibly useful for programmers.

Docker leanote